Our Classrooms for 2024-25
Looking for a Preschool or Pre-K program full of love, wonder, and play? You’ve come to the right place!
We offer classes that run from 9:00-12:00 or 9:00-2:30, and we also offer Early Arrival and Enrichment Classes to elongate the day as well. Each classroom has one lead teacher and one assistant teacher who help your child learn and thrive in an environment full of love, wonder, and play. All programs include weekly special activities of art, music, and chapel.
*Please note, children must be potty-trained in order to attend.
Preschool Classrooms
We have four half-day classes that run from 9:00am-12:00pm:
2-Day Preschool (M/W or Tu/Th)
Ages: Children age 2.5+ years as of 9/30/24
Tuition: $350 monthly
Description: This class serves as a first step into school for our youngest students. While children do receive creative and play-based exposure to prewriting, literacy, and numbers, our primary focus is on helping children adjust to the new experiences of the classroom.
The Tu/Th class is currently waitlisted.
3-Day Preschool (Mon, Wed & Fri)
Ages: Children age 3+ as of 9/30/24
Tuition: $450 monthly
Description: For some students this is a first step into preschool; for others they are familiar with school and raring to go! In this class we focus on self-directed exploration, imaginative play, and fostering a love of learning.
The 3-Day Preschool is currently waitlisted.
5-Day Preschool (Mon-Fri)
Ages: For children age 2.5+ as of 9/30/24
Tuition: $650 monthly
Description: For children who benefit from the consistency of a 5-day program, this class adapts the age-appropriate skills from the 2-Day and 3-Day programs to serve both groups within the same classroom.
The 5-Day Preschool is currently waitlisted.
Pre-K Classrooms
We have two half-day classes and one full-day class:
4-Day Half-Day Pre-K (Mon-Thur)
Ages: For children age 4+ as of 9/30/24
Tuition: $515 monthly
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Description: A condensed version of our Pre-K Half-Day program designed to build a strong foundation for the elementary years. Our program develops skills in language, literacy, mathematics and problem-solving, as well as the development of age-appropriate social, emotional and physical skills.
The 4-Day Half-Day Pre-K is currently waitlisted.
5-Day Half-Day Pre-K (Mon-Fri)
Ages: For children age 4+ as of 9/30/24
Tuition: $550 monthly
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Description: Our Pre-K Half-Day program is designed to build a strong foundation for the elementary years. Our program develops skills in language, literacy, mathematics and problem-solving, as well as the development of age-appropriate social, emotional and physical skills.
The 5-Day Half-Day Pre-K is currently waitlisted.
5-Day Full-Day Pre-K (Mon-Fri)
Ages: For children age 4+ as of 9/30/24
Tuition: $825 monthly
Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm
Description: Our Pre-K Full-Day program is designed to add more academic play-based lessons into the program to help get students ready for a longer day during the elementary years. This program develops skills in language, literacy, mathematics, and problem solving; as well as the development of age-appropriate social, emotional and physical skills. This program will offer a slightly longer outdoor play time in the afternoon as well as a 45 minute quiet-time.
The 5-Day Full-Day Pre-K is currently waitlisted.
*We believe in affordable education opportunities for all our children! We will continue to offer sibling discounts as well as scholarships for families that are in need of a lower tuition. Contact us to find out more.*
How will enrollment work?
Enrollment and billing will be conducted via a website/app called Brightwheel. Prior to enrolling, you will need to create an account, accessible via the enrollment link.
All families are required to complete an application for each individual child they are registering for the upcoming school year.
Upon submission, you will receive an invoice from Brightwheel to submit a one-time registration fee. (This may take a few hours to arrive in your inbox).
Registration Fee
The registration fee is currently $150.00. That helps us get our classroom supplies throughout the year.
Final Steps
Sign and submit the Tuition Agreement
Complete a Student Questionnaire
Upload a School Entrance Health Form and Immunization Record